How to get through the whole house being sick. 

It started last Tuesday in the office. I was freezing and despite putting my cardigan on and drinking tea, I couldn’t get warm. I made it to the end of the day and by the time I got home I felt terrible and had a fever. Thankfully hubby beat me home and had picked up one kid and had a start on dinner. I hopped in a nice hot bath, pyjamas, dressing gown, slippers and onto the lounge under a nice warm blanket. 

The ensuing days were spent in bed or on the lounge, only going out to see our doctor or picking up my daughter from school.  Thursday was a tough day. My hubby had compulsory training at work and this was when I felt my worst. Miss 6 and Mr 4 were now both sick and home from School/Daycare. Pyjama day it was. Thankfully, Miss 6 can operate the TV and I unashamedly used the TV as a babysitter. This got us through to nap time when I sent us all to bed at 1pm.  Hubby came home as soon as he could which was whilst we were all sleeping. He needed to rest too, he was getting sick. Neither of us felt like cooking but Hubby was well enough to go and shop for some basics, stock up on Codral and Panadol and to get takeaway on his way home. 

Friday all four of us were home. I was starting to feel better. I was sick of the TV being on so it was time for us to head outside. At first just at home and then to a local duck pond after nap/rest time. 

So, my tips to get you through this awful time?

1. Be as organised as you can in advance. 

We always make sure we have Codral/Panadol/Nurofen in the cupboard. This will save any late night dashes to the pharmacy.  Surplus tissues are also a good idea. Coral all these items into one container and keep either nearby or in a central location so you/your partner knows where things are in the middle of the night. 

2. Try to keep on top of your routines, but cheat or do the bare minimum.  

I had no energy to be hanging out washing on the line, so I only laundered the clothes that could go in the dryer at first and then washed the rest and hung on hangers on an airer inside. The first load was washed on Wednesday but didn’t get folded until Sunday when Hubby and the kids felt well enough to do it.  It meant we didn’t spend all day Sunday catching up on the washing. We only had to fold it all. 

We weren’t that hungry and when we were it was pretty much just tea and toast. This helped with little to no washing up and we just had to load the dishwasher.  When I did have washing up to do, I left it til I felt well enough and did it then. 

I need clear visual spaces around me to be able to relax. The kids had pillows and blankets all over the lounge room. I got them to help me for a couple of minutes before dinner to tidy up the lounge room so that I could relax again. Similarly, when I got up in the morning, I quickly tidied the bed covers, threw out any dirty tissues from overnight and took any dirty cups with me when I went down to the kitchen.

3. Shower and dress

Wednesday I had to dress for visiting the doctor and picking up my daughter. Thursday was a pyjama day. Come Friday I needed to wash my hair and get dressed. This certainly made me feel better.  I wanted to feel very comfortable though so I opted for an outfit of ponte pants, t-shirt, cardigan, scarf and slippers.  Dressy enough for a visit to the duck pond but comfortable for time on the lounge or in bed. 

4. Food

I made sure that there were snacks the kids could easily access. We had heaps of berries they could easily reach in the fridge and the fruit bowl was on the bench.  Prepare meals to suit how you’re feeling. We had lots of tea and toast and soup. 

5. Bedding

Try to change your pillow slips daily and wash your sheets when you are feeling well enough. 

6. Delegate

If other people in your household are well, get them to hep out. You need to be feeling better asap so rest up and ask others for help. 


The only way you are going to get better is if you rest up.  Do as little as possible. You will be better faster and back on top of thinks in no time. 

When you are feeling better, give the house a good clean, open the windows, go from room to room disenfecting door knobs and light switches, benches and bathrooms. 

Have you and your family gotten sick lately?  What are your tips to help the household get through it?  

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